Please complete the Electric Service Agreement if you are moving into Moose Lake Water & Light service area or are an existing customer purchasing or renting another home within our service area.

Tips to help make your transition as smooth as possible;

1. Call us at (218) 485-4100
2. Please print and complete the MLWL Electric Service Agreement in full and return to the
    MLWL office along with the deposit.
- The deposit is a minimum of $100.00 or a 2 month average, whichever is higher. Certain circumstances require an additional deposit
- After 3 years of continuous service, a request can be made by the customer to return the deposit. If the account is in good standing, the deposit may be applied to the customers account.
- If residence is transferred, the deposit will be applied to the final bill. If the final bill is more than the deposit, the amount due is the responsibility of the customer. If the final bill is less than the deposit amount, the remaining amount will be returned to the customer.

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(c) Moose Lake Water and Light Commission 2012